How My Students Keep Me Happy

My last post, 50lbs Ago,  surprised me because people started reaching out to me in ways that I wouldn’t have expected. Friends and strangers started messaging me about their own struggles with depression, not  weight loss.

And that is beautiful because my dear friend Misery is no stranger to anyone.

To all of the people that messaged me this week, I want to say thank you for sharing your story. Sometimes it is darkness that brings us together in the light.

As for the question of how do I stay happy or how did I find happiness? I fill myself with life’s little victories, tiny but true tidbits of beauty, smiles, and overall, focusing on the pure goodness that is inside every person.

Here’s one of those little moments that warms my heart– improv lessons.

My 11 year old students were flying through the lesson, getting bored with the material, and antsy to leave. I also was getting antsy after having already taught 5 classes and feeling drained, so we decided to sing.  I let them pick, and Let It Go was there first choice! I love having the ability to teach English with music, and the kids learn more when they are learning something they want to learn.

Watch. Listen. Be happy.



4 thoughts on “How My Students Keep Me Happy”

  1. I had no idea you had such a beautiful singing voice!!!!!! Love the little video! And Love you too!


  2. Thank you Rachele! Miss and love you too. I was thinking about you yesterday because I was making green beans 🙂 green beans are in season now!! Look out China! Haha hope all is well in Ptown!


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